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Hello there!

My name is Piotr Wereszczyński and I'm from Poland. It's my personal site which is also landing page for groupping my personal projects. Take a look or contact me if you want.


github connections project image
Private Javascript cytoscapejs

Interactive visualization of Github API using cytoscapejs graphs. I created this site to learn how to make static Javascript sites and use of Github API. Make it both fun and teaching.

Project Source code
Learn git branching project image
Translation + Coding Javascript

Translated project into Polish and added possibility to translate some of the features in programme. I revised my git knowlege and helped few struggling with git people from Poland (I hopse so)

Project Source code
BoldedFastRading project image
Private Javascript

Implementation of so called fast reading method. Quick and fun project made using raw Javascript, CSS and HTML

Project Source code
MewaApp project image
Students Group Project ASP.NET Angular

Url management web application. It's kind of multidevice bookmark collection which allows you to share groups of bookmarks with your friends.

MewaBot project image
Private Discord NodeJs

A discord bot made for students of Technology University of Koszalin. Bot shows teachers information and latest courses timetables. Have the ability to show memes too!

PhotobookHelper project image
Private WinForms

A desktop application based on .NET Framework 4.5 that helps to tag multiple people on multiple images. It's goal is to export all images in separate directories named upon people's names. In this way you can create a photobook for each person.

Project Source code
Link lock project image
Link Lock
Translation Javascript

Link Lock is a tool for encrypting and decrypting URLs. When a user visits an encrypted URL, they will be prompted for a password. If the password is correct, Link Lock retrieves the original URL and then redirects there. Otherwise, an error is displayed. Users can also add hints to display near the password prompt.

Project [PL] Source code
Card image cap
Translation WPF

Simple desktop calculator that supports calculating units, currencies and more.

Project Source code
Card image cap
Translation WPF

PicView is a fast Picture Viewer with compact UI, that can be hidden. Features image effects, galleries, light & dark theme, image info and more. The app can automatically adjusts itself to your screen.

Project Source code


C# 8 C# 9 ASP.NET Dependency Injection IoC Oracle Database MSSQL Database Postgre Database Redis Database Angular NodeJs Javascript CSS3 HTML5 Git NUnit Moq Mockito Unit testing